
Hodge Podge

Emi and I went to one of my YW's cross country meets this morning. I had expected her to be in the top 10, but was shocked when she took 1st place! I think she was too! It was super exciting and fun to watch.  I thought the HS parking lot at the HS where the XC Meet took place was so cute! It looks like they let the students personalize their parking spaces. Such a fun idea! After the race, Emi and I met up with Summer, Ronny, and Jules P. at the pool. Emi and I just walked to Southridge from our house (such a luxury!) and she had the best time. After being in the pool awhile, Emi decided it was time for the "hot tub." Southridge has a big hot tub that's the temperature of a warm bath...which is nice because it's kid friendly. Anyway, Emi decided to jump in the pool after the hot tub, and was freezzzing so she went back over to the hot tub. After sitting in the hot tub for a few minutes, she decided she wanted to jump in the pool again, so I went into the freezing


I did Team Training in the morning with Summer P., and then we went to the park with the kiddos after. Ronny held Emi's hand all the way to the park, but on the way back, when Ronny (and Jules) tried to hold her hand again she decided she'd had enough of the hand holding. She just wanted her personal space! haha. Emi's always loved her personal space. She's never been able to sleep with Marty and I--she always has to be her crib or pack n play--because she gets touched out. It's so funny how kids come with such distinct personalities and preferences. In the afternoon, Emi and I were coming back to the mailbox, and our neighbors a few doors down were outside. Emi played with Hadley while I talked with her mom Olivia. We've been able to get to know them better over the past month or so and they're so nice. Hadley's getting a baby sister later this month! After Emi went down, I went with Sylvia B. to visit two of our YW. It's always good to get to visit


Two pictures from recently! It's still wild to me that Marty and I are "dad" and "mom."  Is this not the sweetest? It melts my heart.  Emi's face lol. It looks like I dragged her on the ride! hahah.

Little Emi

Today was busy with church and lots of meetings! In the afternoon, we went on a family walk and enjoyed seeing fall leaves and Halloween decorations. Emi gets so excited about every decoration. Today she enjoyed waving to them. "Hi pumpkin" "Hi skeleton" "Hi jack-o-lantern" She keeps life fun and interesting. Yesterday we were playing tag and Emi was being so cute. Whenever Marty and I play tag with her, we narrate what's happening. "Where's Emi? Could she be hiding in the pantry? Hmmm I wonder where she could be?" Well, she's started to catch on and also narrates what's happening when she is the seeker. During one round of hide and seek, she could see that Marty and I were hiding in the bed and she said "I want to take a nap!" And then when she went to pull the covers up she said "Mommy Daddy?!!" It was so adorable. She also loves saying prayers, and will thank Heavenly Father for everything she sees. Today sh

Lone Creek Farms

Yesterday felt like fall, and today felt like summer. Marty and I both dressed in our flannels to go to Lone Creek Farms (like Cornbelly's but smaller), and within the first few minutes of being there we were roasting. I should've brought sunscreen but that wasn't even on my radar. So fully embracing the October sun burns!  Even with the heat, Lone Creek Farms was such a blast. We went with Ryan, Summer, Ronny, & Jules P. and did the bouncy houses, slides, cow barrel train rides, rat rollers, corn maze, and the pig race ride. We also watched a live pig race with little piggies and experienced the candy cannon...and there were still activities we didn't get to. We ate lunch there and had to try the fried yum. Love this daddy daughter duo. And Emi's little binky-mouth smile. If you look closely Emi's face is priceless in this picture.  Family :) Little girls with their dads. Emi was more excited about the "corn on the cob" than she was


Emi had dance this morning and she did so good following the teacher! I love getting to watch her dance. She's so cute! We went to the park with Summer, Ronny, and Jules after. It felt more like fall today. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed. Marty and I watched the Dodger's game in the evening. They won which means they'll go to the semi-finals! 

Columbia Interview

Today at My Gym I was surprised to find that Emi knows how to do monkey bars! She still needs a little help being held up, but she can let go of her arms one at a time and swing to the next bar. I told Marty about this, and apparently he helped her learn that last week! It's so fun watching her learn new things. The big news for us today (actually tonight) is that Marty got an interview to Columbia!!! We're so excited. We're going to go out to NYC in a few weeks and check out the campus before his interview. I'm excited we're into the stage of touring schools...but if Marty only gets (an interview at and) into one of the schools he applied to, we'd be over the moon!