Paul Cardall and Sound of Music

Woke up this morning to Marty bringing a hungry Emi into our room. It was so sweet of him to take her (without me even noticing) so I could keep sleeping. After I fed her we swapped places so Marty could nap and I could watch Emi. Lucky for me, she was pretty tired so we played for a bit and then I put her down. Which meant I had a good chunk of time where I could just relax.

I turned on Paul Cardall and read a BYU magazine. It got me in the right headspace for a Sunday. Later, Marty commented how he liked the music playing in the background. We've played his music couple Sundays, but I think we'll have his music playing in the background every week from now on. 

Then we had church--Emi was the shining star in our ward as always and headed back home. Marty and I prepped some imitation cafe rio salads for an early dinner and then watched "Sound of Music." I seriously love musicals so much and Sound of Music is a classic. In the "intermission" part of the movie we paused it to play games with Peter, Alex, and Bubs. Alex kept winning 7 Wonders and Bubs creamed us in Ticket to Ride. Then we ended the night finishing up our movie. 


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