A Day

Today I just felt a little bit overwhelmed and inadequate. Sometimes I look at my life and think "Why should I have reason to feel --- because my life is so good?" But I'm trying to accept that it's okay to have harder days, and it's normal. 

This morning I went to Fit 4 Mom. I felt like I was like one of the dads at the park in "What to Expect When You're Expecting" but instead I was one of the 10 moms with kids at the park. It was fun, crazy, and chaotic as we went throughout the park working out with children all over the place.haha. I'm sure it was a sight to see for everyone else at the park. I'm trying to decide if I'll go back or not because I don't want to be spread too thin with the other activities I'm doing and am interested in.

The middle of the day I was trying to entertain Emi while listening to my book "Where the Crawdads Sing." The ending was not at all what I was expecting...but I loved the book. I love that reading helps me better understand the perspectives of others and understand why people do the things they do. I also got to talk to my parents for a bit which was good.

In the afternoon, Emi and I went for a walk with Easton and Katye. I always enjoying going for a walk with Katye and getting to talk about baby stuff and other things. Emi and Easton were born only a few days apart so they're at similar stages. The weather was so beautiful today too! It felt like spring.

Right before I wrote this post, I was reviewing the book I read on Goodreads, and I saw some of the books Jackie was reading (she is always reading several books at once). I texted her when I saw that she'd already read 15 books this year (!) about how impressed I was and then started on my post. A couple minutes later she called me to catch up. Turns out she's reading 19 books at the moment (sounds like my sister;)). We hadn't talked in awhile so it was so nice to get to hear how she and Nate are doing. I feel so blessed in the siblings department. Talking with her made me so happy and feel much better after a harder day. 


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