A Passport, Clothes, and More House Hunting

Today Emi's passport came! The new passports are so different than the old ones, that I had to google just to make sure it was legit. haha. In that process I learned that they do black and white pictures now. So yes, Emi has a legit passport. So excited for our trip coming up! I messaged my friend, Moeko, the other day to confirm that we don't need a carseat to ride in taxis in Japan, and she said that was correct. So send prayers that we don't get in an accident while we're riding taxis around Kyoto!

This morning I discovered that I categorized Emi's clothes into the wrong months and had sizes mixed up in my head. Luckily, I did not mess up on the sizes for clothes I bought yesterday...just a bunch of others ones. Darn it! In my head I was thinking 12 month size clothing meant 12-18 months and not 9-12 months. Which means those cute winter clothes I got a great deal on the other months? They'll be fitting her loosely from July-September haha. Oh well. Mom brain is real.

This evening we went and looked at two more houses. Marty liked them better than I did, and it may be partly because I'm sad about the other house we didn't get. Something that's tricky about finding a house is finding one that we both like. It seems like we flip-flop a lot on who likes a house and who doesn't. It seems like after looking at houses one of us always says "Well we could just rent." Who knows? I guess we'll find out in the upcoming months.


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