Bye Aunt Bubs

Church today! I always love getting Emi all dressed up for church. It makes Sundays feel special. Church was great, and it was fun to have Bubsy with us. Several comments were made about how we must be sisters. After church, a little girl came over to say "hi" to Emi, and I asked her if she would like to hold her. She said "Just one second, let me ask my mom." She ran to find her mom, and came right back. She happily reported that her mom said yes. She took a turn holding Emi, and then her 5 year old brother also said "I want to hold her!" So he got a turn too. I love seeing people love on my baby!

The rest of the afternoon was filled with dinner preparations and a short walk. For dinner, we made Indo Curry, naan, and snickerdoodles. It was delicious!

After Emi went to bed, we played a few rounds of authors and then it was time to run Bubs to the airport. I enjoyed getting to talk on our way to the airport. We'll miss having Auntie Bubs here, but luckily we get to see her next month for her graduation! (I can't believe my baby sister is graduating!)


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