FaceTime and More Houses

Today was filled with lots of FaceTimes and calls. McKall, Mom and Dad, Kenna, and Bubs (it was her birthday today!). I love getting to catch up with friends but I'm bummed that we live far away from everyone! McKall is actually from Highlands Ranch so we're lucky we get to see her and Jonas occasionally when they come to visit her family. She's also due next week which is so exciting! This was the first time Kenna and I talked since her wedding and it's always fun talking with her. Our lives are so similar--both did dance co, BYU Jeru, missions, and majored in El Ed. She's in the interview process for jobs right now. And I always enjoy getting to talk to my parents and Bubs.

On a limb, we decided to schedule a bunch of house tours today! Some houses Marty and I liked came on the market in the past 24 hours so we decided this afternoon we'd go see them. Also there were some others we've seen before that we were interested in--but not interested enough to go see until there were others on the market that we liked and could see at the same time. We're all about efficiency.haha. We wanted to see a lot of houses in one day instead of seeing pockets of houses here and there. Well, our real estate agent was able to get us into 4 houses today (2 more that didn't have availability today she got us in to for tomorrow)! I wasn't expecting to fall in love with anything, but by the time we had finished seeing the houses we liked 2 so much we couldn't decide which to put an offer in. We talked about it and we also consulted with the experts (Marty's parents) and got their take on things. We decided to put an offer on the home that was in the location we loved. It's literally a 2 minute walk from the rec center, so many nice parks, and it's easy for Marty to pop on the freeway and head to work. The other house we loved the inside more (which makes sense because it costs a lot more than the first) and was in a great neighborhood...just not quite as close to Marty's work and not by my favorite park. But it is still beautiful! Older finishes, but quality finishes. Here we are...back to the waiting game. We're supposed to know by tomorrow at 5 what happens!


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