Family History

Today Emi and I went to do some family history with Brother L, Deanna, and Kate. I've come to enjoy working with Brother L and appreciate the time he puts into our lessons. At first, I did not enjoy having lessons and had a bad attitude. However, Brother L is so genuine and puts a lot of thought and preparation into his lessons. He is a family history whiz. Seriously. I've never met anyone better at family history than he is. He comes to our lessons prepared to help me find people missing from my family tree, and he's taught me how to add them to the tree and to find credible sources to support that a specific person was missing from the tree. It's pretty amazing, actually. My tree is already very full and I never thought there could be work for me to do...but he's proved me wrong. His wife is also very good at family history, and specializes in Swedish names. She said there's some Swedish ancestors missing from my tree, and she's going to help me to find them. 

Okay, back to where I started. haha. We had a lesson today and Brother L bought us lunch in addition to preparing our individualized lessons. I was thinking, "Shouldn't we be the ones buying him lunch?" It was so kind of him. Ever since having Emi, preparing lunches have been the struggle and so it was nice to have a subway sandwich, cookie, and chips to eat without having to think about making anything! 

After our lesson, Deanna told us that she was in the temple the other week and someone went into cardiac arrest or something, got escorted out by paramedics, and then died in the hospital a few days later. It sounded wild! But if I were to die anywhere, the temple wouldn't be such a bad place. 

A couple random things from today:

-Emi's reflux has been terrible today! Poor girl. She doesn't seem to mind it, but she spits up all the time. In large amounts. Everywhere.

-I learned today while making a lemon cake, that if you run out of oil, you can substitute oil with butter. All you have to do is melt the butter, let it cool a little bit, and toss it in.

-Tonight we had a little dance party in the kitchen. Emi LOVED it. Marty and I took turns holding her and dancing with her. Every time I shimmied toward her she couldn't stop giggling. She is such a bright light in our lives. We love her!


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