
Started off the day together at My Gym, came home for a half hour or so, and then headed out to look at a house. It was right by Redstone Park (which is my favorite), but from the pictures it looked like it had a little work to do. I spent a lot of last night figuring out how we could change things to make it really nice. I seriously can't help myself! I always go 100% in on things. Well we got there this morning and it turned out to be quite the fixer upper. And it smelled funny. So all my planning was not necessary. haha. Still glad we went and saw it though!

Then we spent the rest of the day preparing for my friend Katye, and her husband, Matt, and their little one, Easton, to come over. I love hosting! However, I am learning how much work it really is. I have a whole knew respect for my mom who always whipped up the yummiest dinners and didn't mind if a friend or two joined us at the dinner table. 

We made Gram's enchiladas (Marty's grandma, EC) and used the pretty plates from Mexico she got us. We had cantaloupe and oranges, and Katye and Matt brought a salad. Then for dessert, I made a lemon raspberry cake. Bubs sent me the yummiest raspberry filling recipe. I'll definitely be making that again. 

It was so fun to have friends over! Growing up, my friends almost always came over to hang out at my house. I feel like my parents created an environment where everyone felt welcome. I want our home to be the same way. I want it to be a place where everyone feels like they are welcome and loved:)

Marty and I ended the night watching Ted Lasso. Season 3 comes out next week! Yay!


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