House Hunting

These past couple days have been insane. 

Friday: Went in the evening to look at houses. One of the houses was beautiful but expensive, the other was grandma-y and over priced, and the third turned out to be a smoke house. Can I just say I learned from this experience how important it is to go look at houses in person before buying them? I can't imagine buying a house only to find out it smelled like smoke! 

Saturday: Talked with Marty's parents and decided we'd put an offer in the first house we saw. Put in our offer around 7:30 pm and found out that we'd know by today at 7:30 pm whether we got the house or not. 

Today: Our real estate agent called us about 2:30 and said the house had another offer on it. We decided we'd increase our offer and do all cash with an escalation clause. We get a call around 5 that there's another offer on the house and they also have an escalation clause. Because of that, we have to make a final offer by 6:30 with no escalation clause. 

Marty and I talked about what we felt good about. In this whole housing process I haven't received a ton of clarity or inspiration, but when we were discussing what our final offer should be I felt really good about what we decided to go with. We get a call around 6:50 from our real estate agent telling us we didn't get the house. 

I was a little bummed because I spent a lot of last night plotting (instead of sleeping) how I would be decorating and arranging certain rooms in the house haha and envisioning what our life might be like there. It was a beautiful house and had a lot of things going for it. However, in the end we learned a lot from our experience these past few days while in the buying process. The idea of having a house, being part of the HOA, and being more settled is appealing to me.. but I'm also happy renting until Marty goes to business school. No matter what, in these next couple months we're going to get an upgrade--whether that be from a one bedroom to two bedroom apartment or a one bedroom apartment to house. Win-win. 


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