Linger Longers and Ward Angels

Today at church we had a linger longer. Can I just say that those are my favorite things ever? 

In one of my areas on my mission, Yanai, we had linger longers practically every week. It was so fun to eat yummy food and socialize. I'm just remembering now how at one linger longer we ran out of rice to go with the curry, and the members wouldn't eat the curry without the rice. I thought it was so funny. haha. Rice is very important in Japan.

Today I was reflecting on the many angels who have helped us in our ward. In our lesson in Relief Society, we were talking about adversity and the teacher said how it must've been hard for me to move to a new city, be in a new ward, and have a baby. When you put it like that, it sounds hard! haha. But there have been so many people who have helped me.

-Kate and Mark D. who invited Marty over to dinner when he was living alone here.

-The J family who had us over for ice cream.

-The N family who had us over for dinner.

-Jenny J. who threw me a baby shower.

-All the sweet ladies who came to the baby shower (many of them didn't even know me but still came!).

-Brother L who does family history with me (and helped train Marty and I on how to do FH)

-Deanna B. and Ashley T. who were the best ministering sisters ever. They came over multiple times and served me in numerous ways. (I'm sad they're not my ministering sisters anymore!)

-Denise L. who invited me to Bunco nights and helped us get our palisade peaches.

-All the people who brought meals over around the time Emi was born.

-Ashley G. who periodically checks in to make sure I'm doing okay.

-Lorena L. who helped me with family history and always says hello.

-Tristen S. who holds Emi during Relief Society.

We are so blessed. These are only just a few of the angels in our ward. It's taken me a little while to realize how blessed we are in our ward. At first, I thought most of ward was much older than us and we didn't have much in common, but I've come to realize that just because people are older doesn't mean you can't be friends. I'm grateful we get to be in this ward. 


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