My Gym, Chatham, and a Spoon

When Marty asked what Bubs, Emi, and I did today, we didn't have much to say. haha. Basically we just went to My Gym and toured Marty's office building. 

Still a fun day, though! I loved getting to bring Bubs to My Gym to show her how adorable it was. One of the teachers just kept holding Emi after one of the skills stations and said "I could do this all day." So cute! 

How could I forget? We also had Lucky Charms in the morning because it's St. Patrick's day! This is going to be a new tradition in our family--Lucky Charms the morning of St. Patty's Day. It's also Emi's Uncle Chris' birthday, so naturally we had to send him a cute picture of her with a Happy Birthday message written on a piece of paper laid down next to her. Who doesn't love a picture of an adorable baby on their birthday?!

The tour of Chatham was short (I think Marty might be getting tired of giving people tours? haha), but long enough for me to eat a green Krispy Kreme donut they had at his office. I felt so cool with my financey husband and sister. haha. I love getting to go to Chatham because I know everyone loves Marty and he's really good at what he does. It's like being best friends with the cool, nice, smart, handsome kid at school. lol. But really, everyone loves Marty! It's also always fun bringing Emi because she is just the cutest little thing and brightens everyone's day. 

In the evening, as we were hanging out, Marty said he smelled something funny. We did a little investigating and found out it was coming from the dishwasher. We opened it to discover that our big plastic slotted spoon had fallen next to the heat coil of the dishwasher and had melted onto the coil. Marty yanked the spoon off from the dishwasher coil but there was still a parts of the spoon stuck to the coil. We took turns using a butter knife hack off pieces of it (I'm not sure the right term to use there). We vacuumed them up and re-ran the dishwasher. Our apartment does not smell good, but as we're immersed in the smell longer  more we're noticing it less.haha. 


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