Oh well.

Well we didn't get the house. The person who offered $40,000 above asking and all cash also waived the inspection. They are a house flipper. Oh well! Hard to compete with that.

I had Japanese tutoring this morning. My tutor is the nicest! I told her I might have a call from our realtor that I would need to answer during our lesson, but that she could still plan on starting our lesson at 10 and ending at 11. She said it wouldn't be a problem at all and that she would go over for however much time I spent on the phone with the realtor. That just shows you what kind of person she is! 

Emi and I also took a long walk today. It was nice being able to clear my head after a hectic past few days. I listened to my music and then started a new audible "The Rosie Project." 

While I prepared dinner this evening, Emi was happy to stand in her activity center with her binky. Lately she hasn't been loving it and starts fussing but activity center + binky worked great. We think she might be teething because she's been sucking on her lip for the past few days and she's liking her binky even more than usual. We still haven't felt any teeth but she's starting to show the signs!

Marty got home from work later because he had to go finish up some things at work after his dentist appointment (he had 5 fillings today!). We were both feeling a little bit down in the dumps today with how house stuff turned out, but a few rounds of Star Realms had us feeling a little better (at least temporarily). I still have hope that maybe one of the houses will fall through, but I guess it's not wise to count on it. 


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