Shopping and Neighbors

At My Gym today they had a little circus tent and it was absolutely adorable. They also did the zipline with the kiddos...that's probably MY favorite activity there haha. Emi did well with all the activities, but I'm noticing she's a little bit more hesitant around other people now. I think she may have a little bit of stranger anxiety. 

Emi and I went to Target after My Gym to get her some 6-9 month clothes because she has 0 pjs (which is a must!) and very few clothes in that size. We got her some new things and it was so fun shopping for her:) I put so many clothes in my cart, put things back, grabbed different clothes, and ended up with clothes that I think will be super cute on her. I love getting to shop for my baby! I keep telling myself, I hope we have at least one more girl so that we can use all these cute clothes again.

After Marty came home from work, Marty, Emi, and I were walking to the clubhouse. Marty was holding Emi and I was walking next to him. I looked at Emi and said "Mom is so boring to be with all day, huh?" and she just started full on laughing. It was the cutest and funniest thing ever. 

In the evening, we were hanging out in the living room and we got a knock at the door. One of our neighbors had come to ask Marty if he would help move an old couch of theirs out of their apartment and a new one in. Of course Marty said he'd be happy to help. Marty was saying to me how he was glad our neighbors felt comfortable asking him to help. I can't agree more! We've been able to meet the people on our apartment floor better since we've moved here and it's made a huge difference. I love getting to say "hi" to our neighbors as we come and go and it makes me feel more connected to where we live. We've been meaning to have some neighbors over for dinner but haven't made it happen yet...but yesterday was the perfect opportunity to invite them over for dinner in a couple weeks! 


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