Temple, FaceTime, and Aunt Bubs!

Kate D. from the ward offered to watch Emi if I wanted to go to the temple, so I took her up on her offer this morning. It was so sweet of her to offer and I haven't been to the temple since before Emi was born (she's exactly 6 months today)...so it'd been awhile. I liked that the endowment is more Christ-centered now and I enjoyed the subtitles. Sometimes I think I understand what I'm hearing, but it helps me to both read and listen to something. When I picked Emi up, I asked Kate how Emi did, and she said she did great! She even took an hour nap. Yay! 

The rest of the day was filled with lots of FaceTime. I got to catch up with Miriam P. and Emily C. and see their cute little girls over Facetime. Both of their little girls just turned one and they're adorable. I met Miriam and Emily in Jerusalem, and we catch up with each other from time to time. They were both so kind when Emi was born and made sure to check in and see that I was doing okay. Miriam lives in Boston and Emily is somewhere in North Carolina. Jerusalem brought me so many lifetime friends which I'm so grateful for! 

Then we talked with Mom and Dad. They recently got back from Egypt and are getting back in the swing of things.

In the afternoon I talked with Kana. She is in Okinawa working for the US Consulate. We became friends through Japanese classes (thanks to her and Moeko I survived the minor). Her job sounds very busy and I'm hoping we get to see her when we go to Japan!

After all the Facetimes today I was exhausted. It was so fun seeing and getting to talk to my friends and family (and I wouldn't have it any other way), but it wore me out! 

In the evening we headed to the airport to pick up Aunt Bubs! So excited to have her with us for the rest of the week. 


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