Tidying up

I am very proud of myself because today I finally put away Emi's things we weren't using and tidied up the apartment.  

It's crazy how quickly things change with a baby. It's important to have a bassinet for the baby, but then you only use it for a few months. Then there's carriers that only work for a little while. There's a short window where you can use a tummy time mat, and then the baby is no longer interested in that. The list goes on and on...so I finally took the time to organize and put away those sorts of things. 

I worked so hard that I told myself that if Marty didn't notice and comment on the apartment I'd be very disappointed. I know, that was not the best idea to think that but I did anyway. haha. And...he noticed! There's just something to be said when all your hard work and effort is recognized. 

Other than tidying up the apartment Emi and I went to My Gym. So fun as always! Emi did cry at one point because one of the activities scared her, but she enjoyed the rest of the activities. 

Emi and I FaceTimed my mom. When I was in Jerusalem, the doctor couple seemed like the perfect position to be in, but I'm learning that position is not without its challenges and frustrations. My mom said that dad is going to do the Jerusalem half marathon and is getting students to do it with him. Isn't that so cool?! I tried to convince her to do the 5k so we'll see if she does it. I just think that's an opportunity you can't pass up!

Marty and I played Star Realms tonight after my Young Moms Institute (on zoom). That game's has been a source of lots of joy (not sure if that's the right word to use here haha) and also a source of contention. Today ended on a positive note which was a bonus. Switching to the online version has helped with some of our problems. Now to bed...


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