
Church and the waiting game.

5 pm rolls around today...no phone call. It's almost 6 and finally we get a call from Heather. She says they've extended the deadline to 9 pm because of interest in the house. 

Thoughts going through my head: What?! How is this even allowed? Ugh. You're kidding me!

Welp. 9 pm rolls around and we didn't get the house. But Heather tells us that if we want to beat the other people's offer we can. No way jose! Marty and I think they extended the deadline until 9 so we would up our offer to beat the other people. It was already an expensive price per square foot, so we felt like we couldn't justify going any higher on this house. Plus, we also loved the other house so we decided to jump ship and go for that one! The only bad news is we have to wait until Tuesday to find out if we get that one or not. Ugghhhh. I am the most impatient person ever so this is really testing me to the limits haha.

Side note: My perspective on realtors has vastly changed through this process. I used to think it was such an easy job--show houses and take a huge cut when a house is sold. I was so wrong! Our realtor, Heather, is amazing. She is willing to show us a house any day of the week at any time, when we make an offer she is working all weekend for us, and she spends a lot of time communicating what is happening when we make an offer. Being a realtor is no joke!


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