Saturday with Aunt Bubs

Marty watched Emi in the morning so Bubs and I could go to Zumba. I have been looking forward to Bubs coming here, so that I could bring her to Zumba or Strong (taught by my favorite teacher). Angela F. is the most inspirational teacher ever. Her classes are fun and you get such a good workout. However, she was filming in LA this week for American Ninja Warrior! I guess she had a valid reason for not being there this week;) Anyway, we went to another Zumba class and it was still a good time.

Then, in the afternoon Bubs watched Emi so Marty and I could go to Fiddler on the Roof. When Bubs was deciding what weekend to come, I specifically requested this one because I knew we had Fiddler, and we'd way rather pay Bubs to watch Emi than another babysitter. Of course, she did an amazing job and Emi loved getting Aunt Bubs bonding time. I also was able to enjoy the show because I knew Emi was in good hands. 

The show was great, and after living in Jerusalem for a short period of time, I felt like I was able to appreciate it even more. I love the dancing and the message of the show. I also appreciate how it portrays Judaism in a positive light. Nowadays, I feel like so much media tears down religion and culture instead of building it up. Marty also enjoyed the show, and seemed to appreciate the humor in it. 

After the show, we picked Bubs and Emi up and headed to GQue. This restaurant was a recommendation by our friends Katye and Matt S. I'm usually not one for BBQ, but this place was delicious! We'll definitely go back. We also had to stop at Crumbl on the way home. Our conversation walking back to our car from GQue after we established we were getting Crumbl.
Me: Should we all get two different cookies and share them between us?
Marty: If we're going to go to Crumbl, everyone should just get their own cookie.
Hahah. Needless to say, we each got our own Crumbl cookie. 


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