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The morning was very chill. Peter took off lab in the morning and we ate blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Peter made a cute penguin shaped pancake and I asked Isaac if he knew what it was. He responded "a buue berry pancake" haha. Not quite what I was going for, but also very true:) 

The rest of the morning/early afternoon was spent packing and with the little ones taking naps. Around 3 we headed over to the shuttle pick up place. I was really nervous that no one but Emi and I would be on the shuttle, but luckily there were a few people there--all 60+ and male. The majority of the ride was dead silent which was actually very peaceful. I was enjoying it...until Emi started to fuss a little bit at which point I felt embarrassed. We made it to the airport in just enough time for me to grab some dinner and nurse Emi. The gate agent was also really nice and let me bring on Emi's car seat in the plane. Although Emi was fussy for the first little bit of the flight, after she fell asleep she was asleep until landing. 

It was so fun getting to see Marty after being apart for almost a week! I had such a blast this week with Peter and Alex and the little ones but I missed Marty. It was also nice to come home to my own bed and for Emi to be back in her familiar space again. Until next time Minnesota :)


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