
Today we had church and it's been snowing a ton. It's literally a blizzard outside. Welcome to Minnesota I guess?

At church literally almost everyone is a doctor of some sort which is kind of interesting/funny. I enjoy asking Peter which types of doctors different people in their ward are. Church went well, and Emi was able to sleep for some of it which was a win. After church, we stayed for an hour because Peter is unofficially the choir director in addition to his other calling. He was at the church from 6:30 am-12:30 pm today. Talk about dedication! Also I was very impressed that Alex waits with 2 kids while Peter does choir. Also dedication! 

Then we spent the afternoon hanging out and chatting. I talked with Marty on FaceTime and Emi loved seeing him. We also said "hi" to both sets of grandparents and Nick which was nice. 

This evening we had a delicious dinner of meatloaf, homemade bread, cantaloupe, and salad. It was definitely a comfort meal with the weather being so crazy! After dinner we relaxed (as much as you can relax with 2 babies and a toddler) and then did Come Follow Me. Isaac had a very good time acting out the Good Samaritan story over and over. By the time it was 7, we (the adults) were ready for the little ones to go to bed! 

In the evening we did games with Marty over FaceTime. So fun:)


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