Class and Terza

In the morning we had a community class for Isaac. We showed up at the school and all the kids got to play with toys for a little bit, and then after doing introductions, songs, and a snack the parents headed out for a parent class while the kids stayed with the teachers. It was a lot of fun and a well-designed program. After going there, I looked up to see if they have anything like that in HR but no such luck. haha. 

The rest of the day we hung out and talked. Peter got off work at the lab early which was a fun surprise. In the evening we went to a restaurant in downtown Rochester. It was a cute Italian place (Terza) that Peter and Alex had been to before. Unfortunately, the seating arrangements were not ideal and we ended up on a high-off-the-ground table next to the bar. At one point, Isaac fell off the seat under the table with a thud. It was so scary and he could've easily hit his head hard on the table, but by some miracle he was okay. The rest of the meal we were a little paranoid (Peter and I haha) and Rachel was a little bit fussy which made for an interesting meal. haha. Emi luckily was exhausted and slept through most of the meal. On our way home, we naturally had to grab ice cream sandwiches. They were very yummy and the perfect treat. 

I can't remember how the rest of the night went, but we probably talked and hung out:)


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