
Today was snowy and cold so Emi and I spent most of the day inside. I took the opportunity to do some cleaning in our apartment. Got the dishes done, cleaned the bathroom (including the tub!), vacuumed, and did dishes. Emi was content playing in her activity center and her pack n play as I cleaned. I also managed to do some meal planning. I was so proud of myself. haha. Call me housewife of the year;) As I was cleaning, I was reminded of our cleaning schedule growing up and I think that schedule deserves a post of it's own. haha Cleaning in the Rosen house was no joke! But I feel highly skilled in effective cleaning thanks to my upbringing. 

While I was meal planning I called Grandma to ask her a couple questions. 1. How does she make her funeral potatoes? 2. If I get 2 pounds of ham is that too much/how could I save it? She answered my questions and we also got to chat for awhile which was fun. At the end of the call we resolved to catch up more often.

Right after I ended the call with grandma Missy called and I chatted with her and Grace. In the middle of the call Emi woke up from her nap. She was being a little shy at first on FaceTime. She'd smile, and then dig her head into my shoulder and repeat that over again. That was the first time I'd seen her like that--it was so cute! 

Before Marty got home we headed to the grocery store. (Lately I've been trying to time when I come home from the store around the time he gets home from work so he can help me bring in the groceries.) At the store I said "Hi" to my grocery friend workers and ran into someone in the ward. On our way out I witnessed the weirdest thing. These two guys walking out of the store with carts full of laundry detergent, diapers, and other supplies--like totally full with these sorts of items. I called Marty to let him know we were on the way home, and told him about what I had seen. Apparently this is a typical way people shoplift. So bizarre! 

When Emi and I got home, Marty helped bring in groceries and Emi and then we had dinner. Lemon Chicken and Artichokes. It was very yummy! Emi is also getting a bigger appetite and will pant to let us know she wants more food. I'm over here trying to teach her cute sign language signs and all she wants to do is pant.haha. Oh well. 


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