Congrats, Grad!

She did it! So proud of my little sis. 

Bubs came to BYU on a full ride music scholarship. She was one of the only 2 people accepted her year into the harp program! As she progressed further in her major and after talking with grads in her major she decided that it may be a good idea to have something else in her back pocket coming out of college. This lead her to consider double majoring. She applied to the finance, accounting, and business strategy programs (all very competitive) and was accepted to all of them! Then a big bummer came her way when she found out that BYU would not let her double major in harp and one of the other majors. She eventually made the decision to pursue finance. In the finance program she worked really hard and landed an internship at Goldman Sachs and also got to be one of the students to help manage the BYU Silver Fund. I also forgot to mention along the way that she was also accepted into John Hopkin's Harp Program but turned down the offer.

In addition to all these amazing things, my sister is the kindest, most humble human being. Everyone who knows her loves her. She is the best listener and friend. She's the type of person people want to be around because she makes you feel important and loved. 

Love you Bubs! 


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