
Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. I just love the spring atmosphere and the traditions around Easter. As I've gotten older I've also come to appreciate the meaning of Easter and the hope that Christ brings in my life. 

This year Easter was different than the past Easters. Marty and I were on our own for a bigger holiday for the first time in our lives. I definitely missed being the recipient of an Easter Egg hunt, yummy dinner, etc. But it was also sweet being in a new role and gaining appreciation for Mom and Dad and starting to navigate how we want to do things in our family. I got some treats for Marty and I and we ate those throughout the day. Emi and I got matching Easter dresses for church (thanks mom;)) and we also got some gift cards from Grandma and Grandpa Shaeffer. We dyed eggs and Marty and I did a hunt for each other--which was surprisingly lots of fun. Emi had a little Easter basket with a bunny and Peter Rabbit Board book in it. We had a ham and funeral potato feast for dinner. 

In the morning we had church, the middle of the day was filled with Easter festivities and a trip to the house (I want to say "our house" but it's not ours yet haha), and in the evening we played games online with Peter and Alex. By the end of the day Marty and I were exhausted with all the festivities! I can't even imagine what Christmas is going to be like in these following years...


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