Greenhouse and Swimming

In the morning we went to the greenhouse because Erika will be attempting to garden while my parents are gone. You can tell my mom's been to the green house many, many times because she knew where to get different plants and when to plant them, etc. As she and Bubs walked around the green house picking out different plants, I sat there thinking how good the lighting is for taking pictures.haha. So I of course had to take pictures of my adorable daughter. 

Then for quite a few hours, Mom and Bubs planted things while Emi took a nap and I looked for pictures to go above Marty's and my bed. 

In the afternoon, we headed to the rec center for some swimming.  Bubs walked on the track (because of her broken arm) and mom, Emi, and I swam. Emi loved the water at first, but became very serious as she was trying to take the whole experience in. 

The evening consisted of looking at more house things. 


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