Guest Writer and a Crazy Day

I am very excited about this post because I had a guest writer. haha. My husband:) I've been wanting us to write about the same day and then compile them to see our different viewpoints. I loved getting to read what Marty wrote.

My Perspective:

Talked with my mom this morning. It was much needed!

Marty came home early today because of Easter weekend. That was a fun surprise! We went to My Gym for their Easter celebration with Emi. It was cute, but Marty and I both agreed it wasn't a "must do" activity. It felt a lot like regular classes and so we don't feel the need to go back in the future.

One of my church friends asked if we could bring pancakes by for her kiddos for dinner because she just had 6 (?) teeth extracted. When I asked if we could put chocolate chips in them, she said her kids just like plain pancakes. That's it. Talk about easy to please! 

In the evening I got a call from Bubs. She was crying and sounded frantic. My big sister mode turned on. As I listened I found out that she had been in a skiing accident (she fell really hard) and she was in the ER (luckily 2 of her friends were there with her). She said she may need to go into emergency surgery. After getting off the phone with her I called grandma right up and she headed to the ER. I was able to get ahold of Jackie and she also headed to the ER. Turns out that Bubs broke her humerus, and the urgent care she went to before the ER had made things sound super scary. After the ER she found out that she would need to see an orthopedist on Tuesday and they would decide what to do from there (less scary than what the urgent care had told her). I was so worried about her and was looking up flights to go out there, but luckily Jackie can work from home next week and Grandma could help with whatever else Bubs will need. It sounds like the plan is to wait and see what happens on Tuesday and then we'll see from there if she'll need more help. My mom is also coming into town in a few weeks for Bubs graduation which is a huge blessing. 

In between all this, we get a text from our realtor that she has "good news." The sellers countered our offer--just extending the date that they'll be in the house until (June 17) and clarifying that they will be taking their gym equipment. We were so excited! Yes, we are going to be home Highlands Ranch. And all of my family (especially Marty) can tell you how I've been a Highlands Ranch wannabe for the past year haha. Seeing the house go "pending" on Zillow was definitely a highlight of my day! Ahhhh. I can finally start envisioning what the inside of the house is going to look like! Yay!

Marty's Perspective:

On Friday I went to work like every other day and I told Jaran that we had put in another offer on a house. At first, I didn't want him to know which one so I just told him where we were buying, but once he figured it out it was fun to talk to him about the details. We finished up our video and around 2 o clock I left for the day. Chatham usually lets everyone go home early on holiday weekends. 

I came home seemingly right at the perfect moment to spend with Liz. We then took Emi to my gym where they were doing an easter party. It was basically the same as any other class so I don't think we'll pay extra to do stuff like that in the future.

Later that night, we got the rough news that Bubs broke her humerus. While Lizzie was trying to put all the pieces together of what happened and coordinate Erika's care, we got some good news from our realtor. We won the house!

There was a bit of celebration but to be honest, I don't think it's really set in for Lizzie or I yet. We really liked this one and got a good deal on it so I think we're both excited, just can't believe that it actually happened.


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