It's Getting Real

Today's Schedule:
-Family History
-Settlement Money at the Bank
-Talk with Mom
-Young Mom's Institute Family Social
-Ted Lasso

Although it doesn't look like there was much going on today, it felt like a lot! Once a month-ish Brother L, Kate D, Deanna B, and I get together to do Family History. Brother L makes us personalized lessons and we kind of just work on our own and ask him when we need additional help. Right now I'm working on finding family members on my Furner side of the family and attaching sources to prove that they were missing from my tree, that they actually existed, etc. It's very satisfying and interesting. Brother L basically figures out how to do the work ahead of time, and creates a step-by-step lesson plan for each of us. So nice of him! Today, Deanna couldn't make it so it was just Kate and I from the regular crew, and then the sister missionaries joined us too. Brother L brought pizza too which was very delicious.

After doing FH for a few hours, Emi and I stopped at the bank on the way home to pay our settlement statement. I can't believe we're actually buying a house! This is wild. We got everything paid and so we're basically good to go. We close on Friday and I'm so excited! I didn't anticipate how bummed I'd be that we don't get to move in until end of June, but I plan on distracting myself by accumulating different decor/organization things for the house. Ahhh so crazy!

My mom and I chatted after I got home and put Emi down for a nap. Mom gets to Utah on Thursday and Emi and I will head out on Saturday! So excited to see her. 

In the evening, Marty and I went to the Young Mom's Institute Family Social. It was a good time and we enjoyed socializing with people close to our age. Emi was doing happy screams throughout the event which was entertaining/interesting/bizarre.haha. After the social we headed home--without using google maps.haha. I told Marty we were true Coloradans because we didn't have to use a map at which point he reminded me we had to map home yesterday from the airport.haha. Touche. Buuuut in my defense, we didn't go home the usual way we do because we had to stop and feed Emi and take a bathroom break ;p 

When we got home, we put Emi to bed and watched Ted Lasso. We had 2 episodes to watch because I was gone last week and Marty was kind enough to wait for me so we could watch them together. I have to say that I liked Season 1 and 2 better, but the season's not over so it may get better by the end. 


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