Lots of Little Things

Today was go, go, go. Emi and I spent the morning doing dishes/laundry around the house and then headed off to My Gym. After My Gym we ran to Target to get cottage cheese for a friend in the ward. I offered to bring her a smoothie after her teeth extraction and she asked if I could grab some cottage cheese too. Hence the cottage cheese. While at Target I grabbed a Lunchable because I was starving. I always think they're better than they are.haha. I ate the Lunchable on the way to Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Then I grabbed my friend a smoothie--and of course I had to get one too! We dropped off the food items and I chatted for a bit with my friend and then back to the apartment. 

At the apartment I read through house documents and signed them after calling my mom, Marty, and my father in law to make sure some items on the documents were okay. Meanwhile Emi took a nap. Then we headed to Marty's work to have him sign a check for our Earnest money. From there, I dropped the check off and then we met Katye and Easton at the park for a walk. By the time we got home it was almost 6 pm! Time flies when you're having fun...or doing house stuff I guess. 

We had Easter leftovers for dinner tonight and Marty and I have been chilling and playing Star Realms. A good day! 


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