Lots of Ms

As I was thinking about what I did throughout the day, I realized almost everything started with an M.haha. Kind of random. In the morning we had My Gym. This week the babies got to go through a "car wash" and it was so adorable. They rode on little cars, drove through pom poms, the teachers blew bubbles along the way, and they also drove through vertical long mats. 

I learned something interesting from one of my mission companions today, BrinDee C. She's working on her midwife certificate and we've been chatting back and forth on Marco Polo. I learned from her video that there's different types of midwives--ones that are RNs first and then have a midwife certification on top of that, and midwives that just have the certification. I never new that! BrinDee is doing the certification at a Birthing Center. I was also very curious if her center took insurance because I know of people who've had their babies at a birthing center and their insurance didn't cover any of it. I can understand why women might want to have their baby at a birthing center but insurance not covering any of it would be very stressful in my opinion. However, she said the birthing center she is at is one of the only ones in Utah that takes insurance. I thought that was also neat and interesting. I love getting to hear about her experiences. I have lots of respect for people who deliver babies after having one of my own! 

In the afternoon I talked with McKall S. and was again reminded of the respect I have for people who deliver babies. haha. I enjoyed hearing about her birth experience and chatting with her. I forget how hard those first few weeks are! Being a mama is rewarding but it's also exhausting. 

In the evening we had the missionaries over. The sisters pink washed (we called it white washed but it's different here I guess haha) in our area. It's always fun having the missionaries over. I feel like I'm just their age but Marty and I are now 5-6 years older than them...and the gap just keeps getting bigger. Wild!


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