
This morning Marty and I woke up early to watch Courtney's defense. She did a great job (even though I didn't catch 99% of the material she was presenting about) and I was in awe of how much preparation must have gone into making her presentation...let alone all the time and effort she's spent on her research these past years.

Then we all headed to the airport. Emi and I are headed to Minnesota for the week (and Marty is headed to SL/LA for the weekend). I found cheap tickets a couple weeks ago and couldn't resist. I've flown alone with Emi before but this time I decided I'd attempt to gate check her car seat and stroller which would add a little element of difficulty. However, there were so many nice people who helped! This younger grandma (I am now learning the difference between old grandparents and young grandparents.haha) offered to hold Emi while I was assembling things after TSA, another lady helped me bring my items down the airbridge, and the gentleman who sat on the same isle as Emi and I told me he was a grandpa and was totally fine sitting in a row with a baby. So many nice people! Emi did great on the plane and just got fussy near the end.

After landing in Minnesota I was able to assemble the stroller like a pro haha and we were on our way. We grabbed McDonald's, picked up my suitcase from baggage claim, and headed to passenger pick up. Peter and I chatted on our way to Rochester, and Emi was able to snooze for almost all the ride. 

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with all the cousins and had yummy roasted veggies and sausage for dinner. After the kiddos went to bed we had chocolate fondue night (I ate way too much!) with some of Peter's med school friends. I am now feeling more educated on how clerkships work and other med school stuff.haha. 


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