
My mom took Emi out on a walk this morning so I could sleep some more. It was heavenly. I think that's going to be the theme of this week. But for reals, it's so nice being at home and just getting to relax and have mom and Bubs here. We mostly laid low today and ran a few errands. Emi took a 3 hour nap and it was...heavenly.haha. 

I've been wanting to get some recipes printed to add to the Rosen Family Cookbook but have been waiting until this trip to print them. We don't have a printer at home so I intend to take full advantage of a printer while I have access to one ;) I got my recipes printed and am excited to go home and put them in the cookbook! I love expanding my cooking repertoire. 

I also printed out some calendars for Bubs and I to make our marathon plans on. Up until this point, I haven't started my training, and I've blamed it on the fact that I need a printer to print my plan. No excuses now.

In the past when training for races, I've really enjoyed making my calendar and getting to mark off the mileage as I go. It's very satisfying. This time, I decided to treat myself to star stickers that will help Bubs and I mark the mileage throughout the training process (thanks Peter and Alex for the inspiration haha). They arrive tomorrow:) Do I sounds like a total elementary school teacher? 

In the evening, I was able to talk with Marty. It sounds like he's keeping busy in CO. 

Before bed, Mom, Bubs, and I played a few games of Trouble. I don't know why, but that's probably one of my favorite games. A good way to end the night!


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