Rosen Family Cleaning Schedule


Laundry day! Take off bed sheets and bring them downstairs to be cleaned.

Make bed.


Bathroom (Once every 5 weeks you got a break because there were only 4 bathrooms but 5 kids) 

Fold and put away laundry.


Vacuum 2 rooms (This was not speedy vacuuming...this was slowly get the job done well--although when we reached high school age I think all of our standard of work went downhill)


Vacuum 2 rooms


Kitchen Chore (mop, vacuum, sweep, or clean chairs)


Extra Chore (usually a longer chore that Mom chooses. Picking grapes, planting things, etc)
Bathroom. On Saturdays we also cleaned the floors of the bathrooms (The best was when you were assigned toilets and just cleaned the inside of each toilet on each floor).

Fingerprints. This meant you would walk around on the floor of the bathroom you were assigned and wipe down all the walls and the light switches with a damp cloth. 
Clean Room

Dust (piano, coffee table/mirror, Dad's office desk)

Cubby. We each had our own cubby in the laundry room where we could put random stuff/our mom could stick our stuff without bringing it up to our rooms. We had to clean that out and get it checked by mom. 



*It's also important to note that this is in addition to 45 min-1 hr practicing of your primary instrument and 30 min of practicing piano 5 days a week.*

*After texting some of my siblings I'm remembering that dishes responsibilities changed throughout the years. Some years everyone was assigned a dishes day and others we had a dishes cleaning quota you had to fulfill before leaving dinner.*


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