Running Club

Last night it snowed again. This weather is crazy! When I went to my car to take Emi to My Gym in the morning Marty had already cleaned it off. Such a nice surprise:) 

Other than My Gym, we spent the rest of the afternoon at home. I finished listening to "The Rosie Project" as Emi and I played together and cleaned. We also got to talk to Grandma and Grandpa Rosen which was nice. I honestly feel like I talk to my parents more now that they're in Jerusalem. When my mom was working I could only call most days in the evenings or early mornings, but now she can talk in the middle of the day which works best for my schedule as a SAHM. 

In the evening, Marty came home and we ate dinner. Then he took care of Emi while I headed to running club (softball was cancelled today). It was windy, a little snowy, and cold but I had a blast. I got to talk to a couple of moms and ask them questions about breastfeeding while training for a race and they gave me some good tips. The workout today was 3 minutes running hard and 3 minutes of recovery (jogging or walking). We did about 5 reps of that. It felt so good to be running and the track is soft which means my knee didn't hurt so bad. 

After running club I had to call Bubs and tell her about the great workout haha. We're still trying to figure out our training schedule for the marathon. When I got home, Marty had Emi all ready for bed and I just had to feed her and stick her in her crib. Then Marty and I hung out and naturally had to watch the Ted Lasso episode that came out today. 


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