Tulip Festival

Mom, Bubs, and Emi dropped me off to get my hair done. Getting my hair done is one of my favorite things. I don't know how to curl my hair haha so it's one of the rare times it gets curled. (One day I'll learn...). I also love getting fresh highlights and the smell of the hair products. My hair stylist, Abby, is also the nicest and so good at what she does! 

While I was getting my hair done, the rest of the crew went to visit a friend from our ward who is now in a nursing home. What my mom told me was that her friend was so surprised to see her (my mom), she threw her hands up in the air and it scared Emi half to death. She cried for 5 minutes straight and the only thing that could calm her down was some Ritz Crackers. Poor girl! And poor friend!

After getting my hair done, we went out to eat at this yummy grilled cheese place and then grabbed some dessert at the sister restaurant to the grilled cheese place. Afterwards we FaceTime'd Ingi Bear for her second birthday. They were at a farm petting goats. So cute!

To add to our busy day we went to the tulip festival. It was just what we all needed. Relaxing and fun.


In the evening, Marty joined Mom and I online in a few games of splendor. Marty won every time. Bummer! haha


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