
A ward member offered to drop us off at the Takemura's home. However, I didn't realize that Takemura San had messaged me on FB earlier that morning and said that she would come pick us up at the church. So there we were, waiting at her house and she was waiting at the church for us. After being told by the members that we had left to Hiroshima, she and her husband came home to find us at their doorstep. I'm so glad that everything worked out okay in the end!

Takemura San had prepared a very nice meal for us--Karaage, Sukiyaki (my favorite:)), Okonomiyaki, Tako yaki, vegetables, and rolls. She must have been preparing food for us all week! She also had canned fruit for Emi, and she and her husband took turns feeding Emi so Marty and I could eat. They were so cute with Emi and you could tell they were over the moon to meet her. They have 2 daughters who are grown, but neither of them are married or have children, so Emi is like their adopted grandchild. After our meal, Takemura San brought out some very cold honey dew and watermelon. It was sooo yummy. I now am thinking the only way to have watermelon is super cold. It was refreshing and the perfect sweetness. 

Then Emi played on the tatami for a bit and we were able to talk to both Takemuras. They are such kind people and we enjoyed talking with them. 

After talking, it was time to head back to the eki. Another full day!

Emi being fed canned fruit by the Takemuras.

Takemura Masako and Emi

Mr. Takemura and Emi

The whole spread.

If you peek behind Marty they have our family Christmas card displayed in their home :')

Emi was exhausted by the time we got the Eki.

On our way home.

A tired bunch.

Walked over to the Hiroshima church in the evening. It's a 5 minute walk from our hotel. Neither of us served here, but we went to Zone Conferences here, and went on splits here sometimes. 

Mabo Dofu and Gyoza for dinner. 

Emi was showered with gifts from the Takemuras. Hospitality is very important here.


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