Yanai Ward

One of the parts I've been most excited about this trip has been taking Marty and Emi to Yanai. Yanai was my bean area, and I served there for over 6 months. I loved the ward there and got to know the members well.

This morning, we headed out early and took the train down to Yanai. I loved looking out the window of the train and remembering my trips to-and-fro to Zone Meeting and District Meeting. When we arrived in Yanai it felt like the same inaka (countryside) city I knew. 


When we headed to Yanai, I was expecting to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and emotion for this place I grew to love when we got there. I was surprised when arrived to find that although I felt happy to be there I also had memories rushing back of some really hard times in my life. Walking to the church, I felt a bit discouraged and sick to my stomach. I wasn't sure how the rest of the day would go.

However, when we made it to the church and started walking in, I saw some of my favorite members. I thought no one would remember me, so I was shocked to see their jaws drop in surprise as they saw me. It made me feel so loved to be remembered. It was after seeing all these people I loved that I experienced the overwhelming sense of gratitude that I was hoping to feel. 

One member shared with me how I had had such a big impact on her at a hard time in her life and reminded me of a spiritual experience we had shared together while I was in Japan. That experience was one that I will always remember, but I kept thinking...wait? that was as impactful to you as it was to me? I never knew...

Another member took out the Yanai Ward newsletter and showed me pictures of myself while I was in Yanai. He told me I was famous in Yanai's ward history.haha.

Another member had heard from an eikaiwa student I was coming and brought a gift for me with her to church.

One little girl I adored on my mission has since moved away from Yanai with her family, but was visiting this week. She was 3 at the time, and now was 9. I couldn't believe it! Minami chan could be one of my 3rd graders!

So many tender mercies. So many people I love. And getting to share these experiences with Marty and Emi was so special.

The babies in the ward when I was there were now loving on my baby. And of course everyone loved Marty too! 

I'm so grateful I was able to go back.

Marty in front of the Yanai church. It is wayyy bigger than when I was here and brand new! So happy the members got a new building.

Emi and I in Yanai.

Loved this little seat I could put Emi in in the bathroom.

Murata Shimai

Katsura Shimai

Shiotsuki Shimai

The little kids loving on Emi

This might be my favorite picture from this trip! I just love everyone crowded around Marty and Emi.

The Daiabatake Family

Fujimoto Shimai


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