New Ward and Dinner

Marty and I have the 9 o'clock church curse. No matter where we move, we have 9 o'clock church. So we knew we had bought the right house when we saw our new ward met at 9 am. haha. Today we decided to go to our new ward--more like Marty indulged me in going to the new ward because I was so excited to see what'd be like!

We showed up a few minutes late and I noticed that 2 of the bishopric members were wearing nice church clothes and the 3rd one was in a very casual T-shirt. Then I started looking around and noticed several people were wearing very casual clothing. A little bit odd, I thought, but I was trying not to be too judgey. I guess this is just the vibe of the new ward? Then the Bishop got up (he had casual pants with his church shirt) and he said that today we'd be doing service after Sacrament Meeting. Hence everyone wearing workout attire. (Because of the tornado this past week, there are A LOT of trees completely knocked over throughout the city.) It was cool and different to have such a short meeting and then for the Bishop to get up and describe how we were going to go about helping with different crews, leads, etc. It made me think how important it is to not just do things, but to thoughtfully go about things. I also loved the idea of acting on our faith instead of just talking about it. 

After the meeting, several people came up to us and it felt so good to say "We bought a house here. We're going to be here for awhile." I'm sooo excited to get to have roots somewhere for at least a couple more years. And I think they're happy to have us here too!

Marty offered (or maybe got volunteered by his wife haha) to help with some of the work while I would watch Emi. So we all went back to the apartment, Marty changed into work clothes, and headed back their way. He ended up returning an hour or so later because due to poor communication he couldn't find them anywhere. Oh well--I guess it's the thought that counts!

Then in the evening we went to a family in our old ward's house for dinner. They have 3 boys and the youngest is close to Isaac's age. He kept us laughing with all the cute things he said, and it was fun getting to visit and know the family better. The mom, Ashley T., was my ministering sister and is so kind and thoughtful. 

On our way home we stopped at the house to take the trash out and deliver a load of our stuff. It's so fun getting to spend time at our house :)

My new favorite thing...a label maker😁


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