Long Travel Day

Emi and I woke up very early this morning to hop on our flight to Pennsylvania. We flew from Denver to Georgia, and then Georgia to Harrisburg. I am seriously blown away every time I fly alone with Emi how kind and willing to help people are! 

Even with all the help...Emi did awful on the flights. It's seriously such a wild card how she'll do. She woke up in the middle of the night last night and could not be consoled. We thought it might be teething, but when she woke up this morning she had a runny nose and it just got progressively worse throughout the day. I think she just wasn't feeling well. At one point she was pulling at her ears--which she usually doesn't do on flights--and so I think it might've been a cold mixed with the change in elevation that had her all out of sorts. Luckily she was able to sleep on our layover, which helped keep me sane and gave me time to decompress.

Happy Emi and Mom pre-flights

I think this picture accurately describes how Emi felt on the flights. Being sick is no fun!

I discovered this cool nursing pod at the Atlanta airport. I still prefer the nursing rooms but this was cute and nice too!

Sleeping Emi

But...we made it! No matter how rough a flight is I still think it's worth it to get to see people (especially family!) and do cool things. We're super excited to be here. Baby Huck is absolutely adorable and sooo cuddly and Ingi's vocabulary has just exploded. I always love getting to see family.

In this picture it looks like Emi is lovingly looking at her cousin...but the reality is that she just wanted his binky haha

Huck and Aunt Bubs

Look at his cute squishy face! I think he and Ingi look very similar.

Steph and baby Huck. He's such a cuddle bug.

Missus and the kiddos. Ingi calls Erika Missus and it is the funniest thing ever.


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