Still Here

Last night we headed out to the airport shortly after I wrote my post and when it was a little after the time we were supposed to board we got a notification that our flight was delayed until 9:30 (originally 7:50)...and then about 15 minutes after that we got another notification it was delayed until 10:10. So we sat there at the airport trying to decide what to do. Our plans for the weekend were Monet's wedding (happening today) and Stadium of Fire (on Saturday) and then back home (Sunday). Without a child it's a no brainer. Just sit and wait it out. But with a baby you have to start figuring in what the following days will look like if your child doesn't sleep. So we sat there for 30 minutes trying to make a decision--it was a hard one. We finally decided to bag the trip and head home. I told Marty that I felt really good about our decision but I was still super bummed so I'd probably cry...but that didn't mean that I still didn't feel good about what we chose. As we headed home from the airport our flight got delayed again until 11, and when I woke up at 2 am to feed Emi I saw that the flight didn't take off until midnight and had just arrived in Salt Lake. That definitely validated the decision we made, but still wishing we could be in Salt Lake for such a fun weekend.

Reese helped Grandma prepare for Emi's arrival in Utah...isn't that so cute? Wishing we were there!

Emi and I had a pretty chill day. I've been wanting to get new shirts, so Emi and I went to the mall but couldn't find anything that I liked and was garment friendly. That is one thing I miss about Utah--so many stores that have cute clothing but that you can wear with garments! I know I can order online but it's different getting to try it out in person. At the mall I did, however, find some cute shoes. I sat at the store debating between 2 different pairs and the worker was just laughing at me as I ran him through the pros and cons of each shoe. Then Emi and I went to Chipotle in the food court for lunch. 

In the afternoon we headed to Home Goods for decor shopping. I found some things I'm excited about and at a great price! I'm trying to make our home cute and also customized to us/our interests. 

I thought this globe was so cute!

In the evening we played Star Realms and then headed to bed. 

I gave Emi an apple today but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't bite into it. haha. She kept coming over by me so that I could pull her off pieces of my apple! One day she'll have teeth...right?!

This describes our life rn

Special Delivery


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