Many Oopses

This morning Emi and I headed to Home Depot to get our fridge ordered. Marty and I really had 2 fridges we liked, and so I tried calling my mom because she's the cooking queen and would be able to help me make a decision...but she didn't answer. Darn it different time zones! So I made the decision. I hope we like it!

Then we stopped at the car shop on the way home. Yesterday my car started just being super bumpy on the freeway and something seemed wrong. When we showed up at the shop, there were all these husky guys that you might imagine at a car shop, but when they saw Emi they became these big marshmallows. They were all telling me about their kids and it was so cute. 

Turns out there is something wrong with my car, and so I have an appointment to get it fixed on Friday. Between both mine and Marty's seems like something is always needing a repair!

After our morning errands, Emi was worn out and took the best nap she's taken in awhile. I also rested, and when I woke up I had a few missed calls from my mom. Although I no longer needed her advice, it was fun to chat with her and Dad. Apparently the students at BYU Jeru are doing a Bachelor knock-off and asked my parents to participate. They're going to be the parents of one of the contestants on the show. haha. Can't wait to see that footage;)

Right after getting off the phone with Mom and Dad I hurried and threw some clothes on Emi and we headed to the park to meet up with some friends. I learned recently that Douglas Co does free lunch for kids every weekday in the summer, and so they go to different parks and hand out lunch. Isn't that such a cool service? Kimber (the one we had dinner with on Sunday from our new ward) invited me to go with her and another mom. It was a lot of fun and Emi enjoyed her pizza, peach, and chocolate milk as well as trying to steal the other kids' food.haha. 

After lunch, we headed to the post office. I have our mail being held there while they change the lock to our new mail box. I went into the post office on Monday to get a new key--because we misplaced all the keys associated with our house (go us!)--and turns out if you're a new resident they'll change the lock for free. When we went in today, the worker came out with our mail and our ring of all the keys to our house. I guess we must've opened our mailbox, and left the key (with all the house keys) in the opening of the mailbox. Ooops! But glad we have our keys back.

Then we stopped at the house on the way home to check out how floors were coming. I went up to the master bedroom, and there it was, all beautifully done in LVP. Well unfortunately our bedroom is supposed to be done in carpet. There was some miscommunication between the head guy and our workers, and so they'll have to tear it all out. I seriously felt sooooo bad. We think so highly of our workers and they took all the blame, but it sucks that they put in all this work and it was done incorrectly. If it wasn't the master, I would be okay with it being LVP, but Marty and I really just want carpet in our room. Darn it! 

In the evening we had Spaghetti ala Carbonara for dinner and as I was preparing it I heard a pop come from the microwave. I opened it to discover the plate broken into 2 pieces. haha. So weird!

Luckily the bacon was still in perfect condition.

In the evening I had running club. It was nice to be able to clear my mind from a hectic day!


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