Date Night

In the morning Emi and I went out to breakfast with some friends from The Outlook. Emi ate an entire piece of Kneader's french toast by herself...I was impressed!

In the afternoon we went to Kirkland's to grab some house decor. I found some cute things for the table that I'm excited about! I'm becoming a regular at several stores in our area as I try to furnish our new place. 

In the evening, Marty and I got a babysitter so we could go...couch shopping! It was much easier to focus on shopping without a baby who demands our attention. We ended up finding "the one" but are going to go back tomorrow when it's not close to closing time to seal the deal. We ended up coming to a compromise on the couch we chose. Marty agreed to let me have a fabric couch (instead of leather), but in return he chose the couch and the ottoman (vs a table). I also got to choose the color and fabric for the couch as part of the bargain. And I think we're both happy with how it's going to work out! Just a 3-4 month wait. But it's worth it to get what we really want instead of a quick fix.

This is the couch! It will just be the chaise, two cushions, and a smaller ottoman. I took the picture like this to try and envision in my mind what it'll look like. We're also going with more beige-y tones for fabric.

We stopped at Baskin Robbins on the way home and then found that we had time to spare before we needed to be home for our babysitter. haha. We literally didn't know what to do with ourselves! So we just sat and talked in the parking lot.

This is childhood. I LOVED getting these clown ice creams growing up.

When we got home, we put Emi to bed and then wrapped her birthday gift. I meticulously wrote some cute things on it, and then asked Marty to sign it and he took his job very seriously and put "DADA" in the biggest handwriting. Lovely. He cracks me up.

Emi's gift. The writing kind of blends in with the wrapping paper.

I think I have a problem...

My watch suggested twice today that I go to The Container Store. haha.


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