
Emi and I hung out with Bowen this morning while Kimber got her nails done. For part of the time, we went to the park but because our stroller only fits one child, Bowen rode in the stroller and I put Emi in the front pack. To get to the park, we walk past the rec center, and I had many endearing looks from parents. haha. One lady stopped to ask how old they both were. I'm sure they were all thinking I'm a rock star for having a 1 and 2 year old haha. But nope! Just one is mine. 

Park Crew

Then Emi and I worked on the pantry together. Putting labels on things just hits different.haha. I love it and can't wait to order more for the different areas in our house.

A large part of me wanted to sit down with a tape measure and measure every label out perfectly on each container. I have a tendency to do those sorts of things, but I tried to resist the urge and just be okay with eyeballing everything.

They just look so good!

It's beautiful :')

The Prestige Property guys texted me right before Emi's nap time to see if it was okay if they come and do some more work. It honestly cracked me up because they've texted me right before nap time several times in the past week, which has been a bit tricky...but I've learned if people offer to come do work on your house you let them. Even if it interferes with nap time. The work they did today was add baseboards and an electrical outlet to the place the pony wall was. 

Check out the baseboards and electrical outlet.

I also got some good and bad news today. Our door will be getting installed Monday, but our flooring that was supposed to come in August should now be coming sometime (they're not sure when) in September. You win some, you lose some.

For dinner I made pizza, and then Emi and I headed to running club together (since Marty won't be home until later tonight). Everyone thinks she's so cute and that I'm so amazing for pushing her in her stroller--but honestly I'm like it totally gives me an excuse to go slow.haha. 

Miss puffers. She did great on our run.

I love how she crosses her ankles. She does this in her high chair too.

After running club, I put Emi to bed and I've just been catching up on blogging. It's 9:15 and Marty's still not home, but I'm hoping he gets here soon. I'm glad he's socializing for work and I know it's important but I still miss him! 


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