Socializing and a Storm

This was my first week in Young Women's! It feels like a total throw back and I'm so excited to be there. Marty was asked to sub for nursery today with Brother R. and they were able to hold down the fort with the little ones.

Emi threw her teething crackers in the toilet today. Kinda gross but she loves the toilets. haha.

In the evening we had dinner with the Galadriel and Wade H. and Kevin and Stephanie H. families from our ward. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed socializing and getting to know them better! 

After we put Emi to bed we played Dominion with Peter and Alex online and tried some new expansion cards. Sunday nights are always good excuse to play games and catch up!

We had a crazy lightning storm tonight! Our garbage can was all the way down the street because of the all the water in the gutters. Marty went and saved it but I was so worried about him in the storm.


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