Waterton Canyon and Family Pictures

This morning may have been one of my favorite runs ever. We went to Waterton Canyon and it was beautiful. I'll have to take Marty and Emi back there sometime. It reminded me of the Cottonwood Canyons but without cars. 

Just bikers, hikers, and runners. Wide road. Beautiful views. Subtle incline.

My knee hurt from mile 8-12ish. I kid you not, it's like clockwork. Almost every run I get to mile 8 and my knee just starts throbbing. But it did okay from miles 1-8 and 12-16 so I'll call that a win. I want to do this marathon soooo bad. 

The smile of a girl who just did 16 miles! I'm so proud of my body. I literally couldn't walk normally for a few months after giving birth (just ask Marty)...and now less than a year later I'm running farther than I've ever run.

The afternoon consisted of prepping for family pictures. I got our outfits all ready last week but forgot to get myself shoes that matched the vibe and I also wanted to get my hair curled. (Yes. It's super embarrassing. I'm 25 years old and don't know how to curl my own hair. It's one of those things I want to learn but never feels super pressing until I'm in a situation when I want my hair curled. haha). Between those things and grabbing lunch, we were busy with family picture stuff most of the day. Marty really picked up the slack caring for Emi so I could get things done.

The drive to family pictures was about an hour away, but I love our photographer and so I thought it was worth the drive for nice pictures. Then the pictures were an hour with a grumpy-ish baby (she'd smile for the pictures and then make grumpy faces in between the pictures haha). Then an hour drive back home with a screaming child. By the end of the car ride, I think it's safe to say there wasn't one happy person in our car. But I'm really excited to see how the pictures turned out!

Some real life pics from today...





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