Catch Up

 It's been a bit since I last got on here and wrote, so I'm just going to do a recap with pictures. 

The resin beads we were dealing with. These were everywhere!

More resin beads.

Doesn't this remind you of "The Help?" haha. The resin bead problem got resolved...$9,000 later. But hey, we have new toilets, new faucets, and we can use water in our house!

Ice Cream!

More Ice Cream. We said goodbye to the Rosen's and they went to Steph's friend's wedding and then Pennsylvania. Their flight didn't get delayed or canceled on the way home, and if you know their flight luck, you know that's a miracle. haha.

Added some Fall Decor to our house. I am all over festive wreaths :)

Emi exploring everywhere as usual.

Emi taking the wipes out of the container.

Great Gram gave Emi Venmo funds for a birthday surprise so we decided to put it towards a pass to The Denver Children's Museum. We went with some friends and had a blast!

Cashed in on another Emi birthday gift. Easton gave Emi a gift card to a local toy store (like Zany Brainy) and she got this cute dump truck! I don't have pictures of Emi and Easton, but we also went to Easton's birthday party (1st Down theme) and it was so fun, cute, and organized well.

Tried a new recipe. Also made 5 (!) loaves of pumpkin bread one at a time (in hindsight I should've just bought another bread pan) and delivered them to friends. It is seriously the most delicious pumpkin bread you will ever have (shoutout to Bubs for finding this gem). In true Rosen fashion I added chocolate chips to the bread.

Spent lots of time with this cutie. She has been sick which makes my mama heart sad, but she's been a trooper.


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