Emi's Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Emi's birthday with family and a few close friends. We feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.

The preparations.

Bubs, Steph, and Dave headed out the balloon arch.

It turned out so cute! Who would've known that glue dots held balloons together so well?

Present opening.

I was probably more excited about Emi's gifts than she was. New things to play with ;)

Uncle Nick got Emi a race car! He had his first big league race yesterday and came out today to support Emi. It meant a lot to us! 

Grandma and Grandpa got Emi a stroller. Both she and Ingi love playing with it.

The family. Grandma and Grandpa came out too!

Playing with grandma at the playground.

Grandma and Grandpa helping get dinner all ready.

Emi and Dad.

Our little fam.

Bubs and I made this cake and for a minute there it wasn't looking so hot. But Bubs saved the day!

Heath bar cake for everyone else.


More decor.

Emi and her cake.

Emi was more interested in sharing her cake than eating it herself. I think she was scared of everyone looking at her.

She's a cutie.

Emi and Easton are just a few days apart. We love Katye and her husband, Matt...they've become some of our best friends here.

The Kimber and Drew B. family. We also love them and they've been so welcoming in our new ward.

The Rosen Clan. Check out Ingi's silly face...we were dying!

Grandma and Grandpa Shaeffer. They are so cute with Emi!

The Shaeffer Clan.

Emi's monthly pictures.


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