Garden of the Gods

Another day another birthday! Jackie and Steph are just one day apart. So it was a big birthday year for Jackie too. Something I admire about Jackie is she can do anything she puts her mind to...and she doesn't just do a sub-par job at what she puts her mind to. She full on becomes a full on professional at anything she wants to get good at. Some hobbies she's just "picked up" are gardening, knitting, and baking macarons. I'm grateful to have her as my older sister.

Marty took the day off work today! He and Dave went climbing in the morning and Steph and I took the kiddos to My Gym. 

In the afternoon we headed to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs and took a stop at In N Out. (Dave got Steph family pictures for her birthday and they were taking them at Garden of the Gods.) We walked around for just a little bit before Dave and Steph left to meet their photographer, and then Marty, Emi, and I stayed longer to walk around a bit. All Emi wanted to do was sit on the ground and play with rocks, so we ended up sitting and letting her play around. It was honestly a lot of fun. 

After we drove home, Marty had a church meeting and when Dave and Steph got back we played a few games. While we were playing games I took a sip out of my water and it tasted funny. I thought Dave and Steph were playing a prank on me by putting something in my water but it turns out our water softener had a mishap and sent resin beads all throughout the water system in our house (think dishwasher, washer, fridge, faucets, toilets, showers). Luckily I reached out to our Prestige guys who have been doing work for us and they agreed to come help us first thing in the morning. 


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