Arizona Concert

Emi and I had a very social day! We went to the park with my friend Jazmin and her son Porter, and then McKall came over with Colter. 

Smiles from baby Colter.

In the evening, Marty and I headed to the Arizona Concert. Back in June, we were supposed to see them but missed seeing them due to bad when we saw they were coming to Denver we had to get tickets! They checked our ID before we could enter the venue--which was unfortunate because I forgot mine. But luckily I had the NYC Covid app on my phone with my ID and they took it (answer to our prayers!).

After finding our way around the venue, we noticed some nice seats on an upper level, and so we opted to pay extra to sit down (we're getting old haha). The guy next to us was sauced and definitely overshared about his life which made for a...unique...experience. 

It was fun getting to see Arizona in person and hear songs that we've been listening to for awhile now! 

The view from our seats. I took this picture before Arizona came out onstage haha.

Emi got pumpkin bread all over her today.


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