Chocolate Milk

There's this small group that runs every Thursday morning at 5:15. Mike, Kevin, and Michele. Mike and Michele I know from running club and Kevin I know from church. 

I told them that I would start running with them after my marathon training...last week I told them that I would run this week...and then I realized that I was running out of excuses so I woke up at the dreaded 5 am time this morning. It was pitch black and cold outside when Mike, Kevin and I started the run (Michele couldn't make it this week). We took off at Kevin's house and ran to a trail and it was very spooky and I thought we were going to get killed. But miraculously we made it back in one piece. haha. 

Kevin works for Royal Crest (a company like Winder Dairy) and after the run he let me choose a half gallon drink out of his milk box (you know I chose chocolate milk :p). He also gave me the apple cider that Michele usually chooses (Yes, he gives everyone a half gallon of milk or juice every time he runs with them. Isn't that so nice?). So they're making it very difficult for me to decide if I can permanently commit to run with them because who doesn't love a half gallon of chocolate milk after a run? Mike and Kevin are also hilarious so it's like listening to a stand up comedy show as you run.


I also couldn't miss out on the glow stick party for Zumba today so Emi and I headed to the rec center in the morning (but not 5 am morning). I'm glad I went because it was super fun! 

In the evening I went to a girls night pumpkin painting party with Jazmin, Allison, and Dani. We chatted, ate snacks, and most of us did amateur pumpkin painting.

I wish I would've got a picture of everyone's pumpkins. Here's mine.

When I came home tonight...the kitchen was all clean again! Best surprise. 

I'm also tagging on some pictures of Emi from today :)

I thought Emi's outfit was so cute today.

Emi was really enjoying holding crayons today. In this picture she's bringing me over the bucket so that I'll open it for her.

I'm afraid this is how Emi's going to feel about me when she's a teenager ;p


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