
As you've probably noticed in my posts, laundry consumes many of my thoughts these days. haha. And now that we're in a bigger place I've also been thinking about cleaning in general. Before, it was easy to clean our one bedroom in a short amount of time, but with more space it's easier for more things to get dirty and it can be overwhelming trying to get everything done. 

So I made a cleaning schedule for myself to try and keep on top of house cleaning, and to hopefully feel like I'm only doing laundry 3 days of the week instead of 7. 

Emi and I kept the laundry going between My Gym and her swim lesson. We also made a stop at Deseret Book so I could get Marty enough garments to last him through a whole week + a few extras.

By the time Marty came home from work, I still hadn't had enough time to get the laundry all folded so we finished the rest together. (That's also part of the new cleaning schedule. I'm going to have a goal to finish my self-decided "chores" and if I don't have time to finish Marty will help me.)

Marty noticed today that all my sweats consisted of the Costco-type variety and suggested that for family night we head to the mall to get a nicer pair to add to my wardrobe (isn't that kind of sweet?!). We both ended up finding a few things at the Vuori store and then headed to find Emi some new shoes. They didn't have the size we wanted in the style we were hoping for so online shopping it is!


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