I've been wanting to take Marty to the Children's Museum especially to have him to see the new exhibit, Bloom, that Emi and I went to earlier in the week. We didn't have anything this morning so it provided the perfect opportunity for us to go! It was a lot of fun and soooo crowded. They had some special Halloween activities going on, which could have caused it to be more crowded than usual, but I also think it was just because it was a weekend. That is one big perk of being home with Emi--I can go to all these cool places with her during the day without having them overrun with people.
We'll probably go back to the museum as a family, but it will most likely be on a day when Marty takes PTO.
Even though this looks like a slide, the material makes it very hard to slide down. Emi is scootching down in this picture. |
I love this picture! Marty was helping Emi see how this cool contraption worked. |
During the day we cleaned the house, and in the evening we went to the ward Halloween party. Emi dressed as a little ghosty--her costume wasn't going to arrive in time so I ordered this one off Amazon as a back up plan. I think it turned out really cute!
Boo! |
Emi the friendly ghost. |
Father and Daughter pic. |
Good thing our sprinklers got winterized yesterday. Here comes the snow! |
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