
I've been wanting to take Marty to the Children's Museum especially to have him to see the new exhibit, Bloom, that Emi and I went to earlier in the week. We didn't have anything this morning so it provided the perfect opportunity for us to go! It was a lot of fun and soooo crowded. They had some special Halloween activities going on, which could have caused it to be more crowded than usual, but I also think it was just because it was a weekend. That is one big perk of being home with Emi--I can go to all these cool places with her during the day without having them overrun with people. 

We'll probably go back to the museum as a family, but it will most likely be on a day when Marty takes PTO.

Even though this looks like a slide, the material makes it very hard to slide down. Emi is scootching down in this picture.  

I love this picture! Marty was helping Emi see how this cool contraption worked.

During the day we cleaned the house, and in the evening we went to the ward Halloween party. Emi dressed as a little ghosty--her costume wasn't going to arrive in time so I ordered this one off Amazon as a back up plan. I think it turned out really cute!


Emi the friendly ghost.

Father and Daughter pic.

Good thing our sprinklers got winterized yesterday. Here comes the snow!


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